Railo 4.1 Reference
Choose a function:


Resizes a image.


imageresize(any name,string width,[string height,[string interpolation,[number blurFactor]]]):void


The arguments for this function are set. You can not use other arguments except the following ones.
Name Type Required Description
name any  Yes The image on which this operation is performed.  
width string  Yes New width of the image. If this value is blank, the width is calculated proportionately to the height.  
height string  No New height of the image. If this value is blank, the height is calculated proportionately to the width.  
interpolation string  No the interpolation method for resampling. You can specify a specific interpolation algorithm by name (for example, hamming), by image quality (for example, mediumQuality), or by performance (for example, highestPerformance). Valid values are:
  • highestQuality (default)
  • highQuality
  • mediumQuality
  • highestPerformance
  • highPerformance
  • mediumPerformance
  • nearest
  • bilinear
  • bicubic
  • bessel
  • blackman
  • hamming
  • hanning
  • hermite
  • lanczos
  • mitchell
  • quadratic  
  • blurFactor number  No The blur factor used for resampling. The higher the blur factor, the more blurred the image (also, the longer it takes to resize the image). Valid values are 1-10.