Railo 4.1 Reference
Choose a tag:


Displays execution time for a specified section of CFML code. Railo displays the timing information along with any output produced by the timed code.


This tag must have a body.



This tag is also supported within cfscript
		[type="string"] {



The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
label string No Label to display with timing information.
Default: " " 
type string No - inline: displays timing information inline, following the
resulting HTML.
- outline: displays timing information and also displays a line
around the output produced by the timed code. The browser
must support the FIELDSET tag to display the outline.
- comment: displays timing information in an HTML comment
in the format . The default label
is cftimer.
- debug: displays timing information in the debug output
under the heading CFTimer Times.
Default: debug