Railo 4.1 Reference
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The tag CFVIDEOPLAYER allows you to display a video in flash (flv) format. It includes the complete functionality to display the player with the necessary html code. Read more on the multimedia functionality.


This tag may have a body.





The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
allowfullscreen boolean No  
autostart boolean No Set this to true in the player to automatically start playing when the page loads 
background string No alias for bgcolor 
backgroundcolor string No alias for bgcolor 
bgcolor string No background color 
debug boolean No  
download boolean No Set this to true to show a download button in the player controlbar 
fgcolor string No foreground color 
foreground string No alias for fgcolor 
foregroundcolor string No alias for fgcolor 
group boolean No if multiple video are defined, you have to define if this videos should be break a part or played as a single video 
height string No  
id string No  
lightcolor string No  
linkfromdisplay boolean No  
linktarget string No  
overstretch string No Sets how to stretch images/movies to make them fit the display. Set this to true to stretch them proportionally to fill the display, fit to stretch them disproportionally and none to keep original dimensions 
passthrough struct No attribute to pass natively vales to player 
playlist string No define if and where the playlist will be displayed 
playlistsize number No size of the playlist, if playlist is right of display this is the width otherwise the height 
playlistthumbnails boolean No using Thumbnails in playlist or not 
preview string No set this to the path of a preview image. 
screencolor string No  
showpause string No  
showplay string No  
showtimeline string No  
target string No  
thumbnails boolean No using Thumbnails in playlist or not (alias for playlistThumbnails) 
thumbs boolean No using Thumbnails in playlist or not (alias for playlistThumbnails) 
video string No path to Movie File (flv/mp4) 
width string No